Educators | Parents
Are you interested in young people?
As a teacher, parent or educator in a young person's life, you play an essential role in shaping the next generation. The Actuarial Foundation promotes math achievement that contributes to financial literacy through tutoring programs, scholarships and an array of free, interactive, real-world math resources. Learn how you can get involved and utilize our programs and resources to help the students in your life succeed!
Math and Financial Literacy Support for Educators
Check out our featured programs and classroom resources.
Math Motivators
FREE math tutoring
STEM Stars
More Than a Scholarship
Modeling the Future Challenge
Math Competition
The Hardest Math Problem Student Contest
Student Contest
Building Your Future
Free Curriuclum
Expect the Unexpected With Math
FAQs for Educators and Parents
There are so many ways to get your students involved with The Actuarial Foundation's resources and tutoring programs. From signing up your student for FREE math tutoring to reviewing materials together, there are options for your desired level of engagement.
Meet Vo Nguyen, High School Math Teacher
The answer to bridging the gap in math education is the quality of education and how well teachers are trained to supplement, engage and connect real-world applications for students. Teachers play a key role in influencing students to pursue a higher math growth mindset, and it is quite hard when math is not highly regarded.”
A Passion for Math Education
Vo Nguyen, underwriter turned math teacher shares his journey about how and why he got involved with The Actuarial Foundation’s Modeling the Future Challenge.