Your Future Plans
The Actuarial Foundation’s Legacy Circle honors those who include the Foundation in their future plans, whether through a specific bequest in their will, trust, charitable gift annuity, retirement plan, or beneficiary of all or a portion of an insurance policy. The Legacy Circle helps us keep our promise to provide the highest quality, innovative math education and financial literacy programs to those we serve. Legal and/or financial counsel should be sought when making your plans.
To join the Legacy Circle, contact Valerie Thompson, Executive Director, or contact your personal financial advisor for details.
Meet Our Legacy Circle Members
The Actuarial Foundation is honored to have the following individuals as part of our Legacy Circle.

Bob and Pat Anker
John and Beverly Antliff
Craig and Merilyn Baldwin
Paul Braithwaite
Bob and Maggie Conger
Gary and Consuelo Corbett
Michael and Cathleen Corey
Robert V. Deutsch
William Falk
Doug and Toni French
Dave and Kitty Hartman
Joe and Michelle Kelly
Jim and Barbara MacGinnitie
John O. Nigh
Steve and Janie Radcliffe
Rod and Lori Rohda
Gail Ross
Walter and Amelia Rugland
Steven Schreiber and Amy Lorowitz
Bob and Karen Shapiro
Vinaya Sharma
Fred and Sue Sievert
Michelle Smith
Joanne Spalla
Mavis Walters
Common Types of Legacy Gifts
A bequest is a simple instruction in your will to give a specific gift or a percentage of the estate to the Foundation. Unless you choose to share your intentions, they will remain private as long as you are living. A bequest can be changed at any time and can be made anonymously.
Securities, stocks and bonds can have a designated beneficiary or can be given at any time for any purpose to support your charitable intentions. Assets owned for more than one year, such as stocks or real estate, may bypass capital gains taxes with their full value supporting your charity.
Charitable Remainder Trust
This type of trust is a special tax-exempt trust that can receive long-term appreciated assets such as stock or real estate and bypass the capital gains taxes.
Real Estate
Property that has appreciated in value and is subject to capital gains tax is an excellent asset to use for a charitable gift, either as an outright gift or to fund a charitable remainder trust. (Outright gifts of real estate are subject to the approval of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.)
IRA and Other Retirement Assets
A gift from a tax-deferred retirement asset such as a 401(k) or a 403(b) can be made by designating the Foundation as a beneficiary.
Life Insurance
You may designate the Foundation as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy for all or a portion of the proceeds.
Please consult your tax advisor before creating a Legacy gift.
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