Meet Our Committees


Maximizing Productivity

Committees help maximize the Board’s productivity by matching members’ expertise to appropriate areas. They allow members to engage with issues more deeply and consistently than the Board could. Committees can research and break down complex issues and present their findings to the Board, which can then move forward to making decisions

Executive Committee

Comprised of Board officers and the Chairs of each standing committee, the Executive Committee oversees operations of the Board; acts on behalf of the Board during on-demand activities that occur between meetings; and performs an evaluation of the Executive Director.

Sharon Robinson – Chair
Kelly Cusick – Chair-Elect
Andy Ferris – Immediate Past Chair
Anand Khare – Secretary-Treasurer                       

Emily Gingrich – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee Chair
Steven A. Eisenstein – Governance & Leadership Committee Chair           



Jeremy Engdahl-Johnson –Development & Marketing Committee Chair
Lela Patrik– Program Committee Chair
Steve Rominske – Risk Management Committee Chair

Audit Committee

Oversees the financial reporting process, the system of internal controls, the audit process and the Foundation’s process for monitoring compliance with laws and regulations.

Travis Lappe- Acting Chair                                   Ted Lyle

Stewart Ashkenazy                                                Alejandra Nolibos                                            Nadine Orloff

Development and Marketing Committee

Oversees development and implementation of the organization’s fundraising plan; identifies and solicits funds from external sources of support; and is responsible for involvement of all Board members in fundraising.

Jeremy Engdahl-Johnson – Chair
Eric Clapprood                                                      Kelly Cusick                                                          Andy Ferris

Olga Jacobs                                                        Tonya Manning                                                      Kassie Maroney                                                          Margaret Milkint

Eric Sherman                                                              Steve White

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

Regularly evaluates Foundation programs to ensure they are intentionally built and executed with a goal of promoting diversity, equity and inclusion.

Emily Gingrich– Chair
Cande Olsen– Vice Chair                                Cynthia Edwalds

Jeremy Engdahl-Johnson                                    Olga Jacobs                                                            Eric Sherman

Finance Committee

Oversees development of the budget; ensures accurate tracking, monitoring, and accountability for funds; ensures adequate financial controls; recommends financial guidelines to the Board; and oversees short- and long-term investments.

Anand Khare – Chair                                              Barry Jacobson- Vice Chair
Andy Ferris

Rick Jones                                                                  Jerry Mingione                                                        Alejandra Nolibos

Sharon Robinson                                                        Steve White

Governance & Leadership Committee

Ensures effective Board processes, structures and roles, including recruitment, retreat planning, Board training, committee development, and Board evaluation; prepares priorities for Board composition; meets with prospective Board members and recommends candidates to the Board; recommends a slate of officers to the Board; and conducts orientation sessions for new Board members.

Steve Eisenstein– Chair                                        Rich Veys- Vice Chair                                              Andy Ferris

Nadine Orloff                                                            Sharon Robinson

Program Committee

Oversees and makes recommendations to the Board to sustain the quality of Foundation programming at a superior level; evaluates new program opportunities and makes recommendations to the Board; establishes program goals aligned with the mission of the Foundation; monitors and evaluates program performance against stated goals; evaluates significant changes to existing programs and makes recommendations to the Board; identifies and oversees opportunities for mutual support among programs.

Lela Patrik- Chair                                                Nora Benanti- Vice Chair                                   Emily Gingrich                                                      Melissa Hollis

Barry Jacobson                                                      Ted Lyle                                                                  Michael McLaughlin                                          Cande Olsen

Greg Smith                                                        Kaitlyn Wilcox

Risk Management Committee

Provides ongoing identification and assessment of risks associated with existing Foundation program and activities.

Steve Rominske- Chair
Johnny Gilbert – Vice Chair
Eric Clapprood                                                        Allan Cohen

Alex DeWitt                                                                Felix Okwaning                                                  Susan Osweiler                                                    Florian Richard

Joanne Spalla