Math Motivators

Math Motivators students in a Connecticut school saw their test scores improve to 45% over the benchmark compared to students who didn’t receive tutoring.
Math Motivators students in a Connecticut school saw their test scores improve to 45% over the benchmark compared to students who didn’t receive tutoring.

Pairing Students with Professionals

Math Motivators offers free in-person math tutoring to underserved students in grades 5-12 who need and want tutoring but otherwise cannot afford it. The program uses a 2:1 model. Two students of similar ability are paired with one tutor, who works with the students to help them become proficient in math.

Math Motivators is a free, high-quality tutoring program that closes the achievement gap by pairing underserved students in grades 5-12 with professionals and college students with strong mathematics backgrounds.



The Math Motivators mission aligns with that of The Actuarial Foundation, aiming to harness the power of math education to transform futures through the expertise and resources of the actuarial community. The Foundation envisions a future where individuals gain confidence and opportunities through math proficiency. To support this vision, the program focuses on providing students with fair access to the resources and support they need to succeed, regardless of their circumstances or background.



74 companies supported our mission through volunteering during the 2023-2024 school year.



The number of volunteer tutors reached over 350 during the 2023-2024 academic year, volunteering for a total of 4,145 hours. 



We served more than 1,000 students in the 2023-2024 school year across our programs.



During the 2023-2024 school year, our volunteers came from 25 universities in addition to the 74 companies that support us.

to Our Math Motivators Corporate Supporters

Our supporters make brighter futures possible.

Students receiving tutoring through Math Motivators

Improved by a mean of 113 points in the SAT course in 2021-22. We prepare students for success on the math sections of the ACT and SAT with a prep course, practice tests, digital learning platforms and a dedicated tutor.

Students receiving tutoring through Math Motivators

Significantly outperformed students who did not receive any tutoring. For example, students receiving tutoring in one Hartford school saw their test scores improve to 45% over the benchmark.

Students increase math course grades through Math Motivators

In one Iowa school in October 2023, prior to joining Math Motivators, 20 ninth-grade students were earning low Ds or Fs in Algebra. By the end of the semester, 95% of these students in the Math Motivators program passed Algebra, and 60% passed with As or Bs.

How to Get Involved with Math Motivators



If you are interested in implementing a program in your school or organization, read and fill out our Readiness Assessment Form.


Actuaries | Volunteers

We need volunteers to provide in-person tutoring in the cities listed below. Email us if you are interested in volunteering! To see tutoring opportunities available in local cities, click here.


Partners | Donors

If your organization is interested in partnering with Math Motivators or sponsoring an on-site location, contact us today.

What People Are Saying About Math Motivators


Barry Jacobson

Math Motivators Founder

"The kids were working hard, they cared about what they were doing and wanted to do well. They had phenomenal teachers, but those in the inner city didn’t have the money to pay for tutors. I didn’t think that was fair, so I started Math Motivators in an attempt to level the playing field.”

Joe Finch, ASA

Joe Finch, ASA, MassMutual

Math Motivators Tutor

"I am a volunteer Algebra 1 tutor at a Hartford High School. The teacher and the students thank me after every session. It is incredibly rewarding to know I am working with students that need help with math but cannot afford to pay for a private tutor. It’s amazing to see how much impact only one hour has on their confidence.”

Kayla Hill

Kayla Hill

Math Motivators Tutor

"I absolutely love being involved with this tutoring program. The relationship I have with my students is what keeps me coming back."


Grade 8

"I just wanted to say that the Math Motivators program has been helping me so much and that I’m so grateful for the opportunities I have been given this year."


Grade 8

"Being in the group Math Motivators has made me more confident in my thinking ... I thought Math Motivators was going to be a program that just helps me with my math skills, but Math Motivators helped me with my confidence."

Joaquin Camara, ASA, MAAA

Oliver Wyman, Chicago, IL

"My experience with Math Motivators has been phenomenal. The Actuarial Foundation and Horizons for Youth organizers have been outstanding in taking care of logistics so I can just show up and tutor. The students I have worked with are bright, motivated and fun to work with. They inspire me."

Math Motivators Program Sites

Hartford, CT

Harrisburg, PA

Philadelphia, PA

Des Moines, IA

Chicago, IL


Twin Cities


Lincoln, NE


Portland, ME

Giving Back.

Jim Broulette served as a volunteer for Math Motivators at Franklin High School in Seattle. A former teacher turned actuary, Jim jumped at the chance to get back in the classroom when he heard about the Math Motivators program.

Invest in Math Education.

Princess and Majesty each struggled with math in their own way. Their Mom, Shernett, decided to invest in our free math tutoring program to help them reach their goals. The Moore family shares their story and how Math Motivators helped them find confidence in numbers and discovered a passion for math!

Math Motivators FAQs

Thank You to Our Math Motivators Corporate Supporters

September 2023 - September 2024

Discoverer ($100,000+)

Pioneer ($50,000+)

Pathfinder ($25,000+)

Pacesetter ($10,000+)

The Math Motivators program welcomes your financial support to provide incentives for students, share tutor training materials, and reach more students.