STEM Stars Actuarial Scholars Program

More Than a Scholarship
There is clear and compelling evidence that a more diverse and representative workforce brings new perspectives and ideas and supports innovation, inclusion, and impact. The primary goal of the STEM Stars Actuarial Scholars Program is to increase representation and inclusion of individuals from social, cultural, and economic backgrounds who have historically been underrepresented in the actuarial profession.
Through this unique program, we empower and equip students with tools that will make them stand out as industry professionals, and connections they can rely on in their future careers.

STEM Stars is a new scholarship program from The Actuarial Foundation and Founding Partner the Society of Actuaries (SOA).
The STEM Stars Actuarial Scholars Program identifies, recruits and supports high school students who are skilled in math and interested in the actuarial field.
We provide support that begins in high school, extends into college and continues through an actuarial career.
The STEM Stars Actuarial Scholars Program offers high school seniors a $20,000 scholarship ($5,000 annually for four years).
Our Stars receive mentorship, networking opportunities, and exposure to internships, job shadowing, and other experiences that will prepare them for an actuarial career.
Are You Interested in Becoming An Actuary?
If you think a career as an actuary may be for you, then consider applying for the STEM Stars Actuarial Scholars Program. You'll get $5,000 of financial support per year throughout college, a summer orientation, access to mentors and other opportunities to build your job experience.
Meet the 2024–25 STEM Stars Scholars

The application for the 2025 scholarship season is now open!
The applications for the 2025 season are currently closed and will reopen in the fall.
Spread the word about the STEM Stars Actuarial Scholars Program opportunity.
Actuaries | Volunteers
Make a commitment to mentoring and guiding Stars through the first four years of college, exams and into actuarial careers. Sign up to be a mentor.
Partners | Donors
If you or your company/organization is interested in partnering with The Actuarial Foundation to increase representation and inclusion in the actuarial profession, contact us today.
If You Like Math and Business
... then you will love being an actuary! Hear firsthand from professionals about what it means to be an actuary and what they love about their jobs. As a STEM Stars Scholar, you'll receive mentoring and support from actuaries in the industry.