
Rebuild Raises $20,000 for Florida Schools

Rebuild Math Classrooms Raises $20,000 for Florida Schools Rebuild Math Classrooms, an initiative of The Actuarial Foundation, raised $20,000 for Florida schools impacted by Hurricanes…

The Actuarial Foundation Unveils its 2018-2020 Strategic Plan

The Actuarial Foundation is proud to introduce its 2018-2020 Strategic Plan, which was approved by the Board of Trustees at the December 2017 Board Meeting.…


The Actuarial Foundation is proud to announce the finalists for the Modeling the Future Challenge

We are extremely pleased to announce the inaugural Modeling the Future Challenge Finalists! From a cohort of 52 teams and 139 students across the country, these 6 teams have been selected to present their final models for how autonomous vehicles will change the future to a panel of expert judges from the actuarial industry.


Actuarial Organizations Explore Ways to Support Inclusion and Diversity Within the Profession

The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS), the International Association of Black Actuaries (IABA), The Actuarial Foundation, and the Society of Actuaries (SOA) jointly announce the research project findings in supporting diversity and inclusion within the actuarial profession.

Planned Giving on #GivingTuesday

For years, The Actuarial Foundation has benefited from the generosity of people who remembered this important organization in their estate planning. Such support is extremely important to us and is greatly appreciated. Here are four ways you might consider including a gift in your plans this #GivingTuesday.

Past Actuarial Diversity Scholarship recipient Michelle Muzulu shared her inspiring story with Ernst & Young and SOA Foundation luncheon attendees at the 2017 SOA Annual Meeting & Exhibit.

TAF raises more than $17,000 for Actuarial Diversity Scholarship

Thank you, Ernst & Young and SOA Foundation luncheon attendees, for your incredible generosity in supporting the Actuarial Diversity Scholarship with more than $17,000 in donations.