Why Math Motivators Works
May 11, 2018

When it comes to the benefits of tutoring, the proof is in the numbers. Research suggests that daily, individualized tutorial programs can help underserved high school students who are failing or falling behind in math reengage with classroom instruction, perform better and continue on the path to graduation.
After three years of providing free tutoring to low-income students at various schools in Hartford, Connecticut, and Chicago, The Actuarial Foundation’s Math Motivators tutoring program has data to prove that a 2:1 tutoring model is working.
In one example, a group of ninth graders at Achievement First Hartford High School was projected to have 21 percent proficiency in math by their January 2018 math assessment. After receiving tutoring through Math Motivators, the January assessments showed 31 percent proficiency, which was a 45 percent growth over what was expected.
“That is monumental growth,” says Leah Weimerskirch, STEM Academic Dean at Achievement First. “So, for me, it’s a numbers game. I can see it on paper. I can see those scores getting better and better every single time our kids take a test.”
Because Math Motivators tutors are professional actuaries or college students majoring in actuarial science, mathematics or math education, they have the knowledge and skills needed to help students discover their own potential.
“One time, when we were going over review problems in tutorial, my tutor Anna guided me to the right answer,” says Ashley Townsend, ninth grader at Achievement First. “I really liked the fact that she did that because she didn’t give me the answer, she let me find it myself while helping me along the way.”
Categories: Foundation News
Tags: Math Motivators